Gender Equality Policy

Epix AI pursues to provide social benefit in all business processes through its sustainable and inclusive approach to enhancing longevity. Accordingly, Epix AI considers improving conditions of gender equality as much as possible, particularly for its employees, eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and minorities. Spreading internal awareness on these issues is among our top priorities. 

Our internal policies and practices implemented by Epix AI aim to create a modern and socially fair work environment where labor rights are constantly improved, encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workforce, and we aim to eliminate all forms of discrimination, particularly discrimination based on gender, sexuality, race, religion, and disability. In this approach, we take the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the International Labor Organization (ILO) as guidance, and all practices of the Bank are shaped in accordance with international standards.

Epix AI also strongly supports EU action in this regard, particularly the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. Therefore, we strongly condemn gender-based violence, gender stereotypes, gender-based gaps in payment, promotion opportunities, project assignments and any other form of career impediments, as well as the gender gap in decision-making and politics. We have observed closely the Strategy’s deliverables, particularly the pay transparency measures stipulated in the Directive the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms, 2023/970, and even more so the proposal for a Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence.

Epix AI takes concrete steps to create a fair and unprejudiced working environment within the company without any gender-based discrimination among employees. At Epix AI, it is our goal to create a working environment where different views and perspectives are welcomed, all ideas are appreciated equally, without any gender-based discrimination in business and decision-making processes. It is essential that the knowledge, skills, experience, competence, and performance criteria of the employees are the determinants for all kinds of evaluation processes of them. No employee is discriminated based on their gender, thoughts, and gender-based violence or discrimination are not tolerated, and every reported, suspected or observed issue is investigated.

Epix AI sensitively approaches ensuring equality of opportunity in terms of recruitment processes, career development, promotions, work-life balance, remuneration and fringe benefits by being aware that gender equality is one of the cornerstones of sustainable development.

Last Updated: June 18th 2024